Mert Turkol

Programming: C/C++, MATLAB, bash
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows
Specialties: Time Series Analysis, Digital Signal Processing, Bayesian Inference, Quantitative Research
• Wrote approximately 20,000 lines of compilable code (~12,250 for real-world/experimental data, ~7,750 for synthetic data)
• The largest data set worked with: 11TB images of 12 years of Astrophysical object observations
• Automated mass-processing of data from 2500+ experiments by developing code and data-handling conventions for the research group in MRELab at UofM
• Provided patent landscape analysis and technical assessment of over 150 new University inventions in the fields of numerical algorithms, engineering analysis software, and physical sciences

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Select Projects

Please click on a project’s title above its thumbnail for a detailed report/demonstration.

Data-Adaptive, Time-Local Methodology for Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Nonstationary Dynamical Systems

• Developed a bootstrapping procedure for Bayesian model selection in design of bandwidth-adaptive FIR filters to predict the unknown external input of dynamical systems from their response time-series

• As an application to fluid-dynamic systems, utilized time-frequency analysis and trend filtering on the estimated external forces acting on cylinders in flow-induced oscillations

• Extracted nonlinear, nonstationary patterns of driving processes pertinent to higher harmonics of fluid-structure interaction that are excluded in conventional linear theory

Structure Discovery And Pattern Recognition Using Gaussian Process Regression

• Developed Gaussian Process Regression algorithms in MATLAB for automated structure discovery in time-series through compositional kernel search

• The search procedure automatically recognizes a space of composite kernel structures which captures underlying patterns in data and enables long-range extrapolation, while optimally deciding proper model complexity using Bayesian Information Criterion

• Fully functional with Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning Toolbox, currently under development for pattern recognition in financial time-series

Data Handling Tutorial in MATLAB

35-minute tutorial ( video and code report ) on Data Handling Basics in MATLAB for ENG101: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND PROGRAMMING class offered at the University of Michigan. The following topics are demonstrated:

During the demonstration of the topics above, core programming concepts covered are: Array Manipulation, Random Number Generation, Linear & Logical Indexing, Code Vectorization.

My Code Repositories

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